Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thanksgiving Sweet Treats

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, crazy how fast time is flying, and since this day filled with eating is just around the corner I thought I would share some quick, easy, and cute sweet treats! These treats are sure to be a crowd pleaser...or you could eat them all yourself. Enjoy! 

Pilgrim Hats:  

These Cookies are really easy and very tasty! I usually end up making them every year!
The main ingredients include striped fudge cookies,marshmallows, m&m's, and some melted milk chocolate. 
Melt some chocolate: I used kisses because that is what I had on hand 
Coat the Marshmallow: I popped a toothpick into the marshmallow and coated it with chocolate.
Attach: I then attached the chocolate covered marshmallow to the fudge striped cookie, I used the melted chocolate as glue. Striped side down y'all. 
Add a Belt & Buckle: On a normal pilgrim's hat there is a belt and buckle, so it's only right that I add one to mine too. I used an orange m&m that I cut in half.
I think that these cookies are absolutely adorable, and go so well with this holiday!

Chocolate Acorn Cookies:

I can not get over how cute these chocolate acorn cookies are! Again, these cookies are SO simple!, and thankfully you don't have to worry about being attacked by squirrels :). 
For this cookie you are going to need just a few ingredients, vanilla wafers (or any vanilla cracker/cookie), Hershey's kisses, and chocolate chips for the top! I didn't have any chocolate chips so I just cut off the ends of the kisses, it worked fine. 
Assembly: Putting this cookie together is too easy! All you do is attach the kiss to the bottom of the vanilla wafer with a little bit of melted chocolate, and the chocolate chip to the top of the wafer with a little bit of melted chocolate. BAM, a cute little acorn!  
After putting the cookies together I usually pop them into the freezer for about ten minutes so the chocolate can harden, but after that they are ready to enjoy! 
BTW how festive are my nails? This little turkey and I are so ready to stuff our faces on Thanksgiving! 

xx Ari

1 comment:

  1. This is Amazing, OMG....... This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
    Markie Mark
